Delivery Day


33 Afghans to Ghana!

Today found my youngest son & I driving to the hospital to deliver the latest ‘batch’ of 33 afghans bound for Ghana. The head nurse will be picking them up in the next week; since she transports them in a large suitcase, I had to kind of restrict the number of afghans given.  I take them to the hospital and they keep them in one of the doctors offices until she stops by to pick them up. I ended up keeping 12 here to start the next batch of finished afghans, as she wouldn’t be able to transport that many in a suitcase.  The total number of all afghans now stands at 175, so that means the one I began working on this morning is #176!

Since it’s ‘delivery’ day, I also delivered middle son to his work, as his current car ‘died’ a few days ago. Turns out it needs a new fuel pump, to the tune of somewhere around $600! (He’s currently waiting to see if he can get a better offer from another mechanic before starting the work). That means that ‘good old Mom’ (that’s me) is driving him around; I don’t mind doing that, as his work is just down the road 3 minutes-not bad at all.

Also ‘delivered’ youngest son to the high school pool for 3 hours of swimming, as today marks Day 1 of his 4 day holiday. THAT means that I have the house to myself for around 3 hours! (well…the cat and I, but he doesn’t bug me, ask me to buy/go/do something for him, or whine when I say No!).  Just entered the photo of the afghans and the new total count on the Ghana site, then came here to write to you. After that? I’m probably going to go work a little more on the current afghan, maybe read a bit in my new mystery (Daniel Silva’s “The Marching Season”) or maybe even take a wee nap!

Yesterday found me visiting my friendly physician for a yearly physical/checkup.  I was pleasantly pleased to find that so far, all’s well-you know, you sort of have a feeling when you’re doing good or you’re feeling ill. It appears I’m doing very well, health-wise…and that’s a GOOD thing! Weight’s OK, diabetic blood count is excellent, diabetes control is excellent (still over the norm on the cholesterol stuff, but they’ve ruled that one ‘hereditary’, so I’m not freaking out). Coming home from the doctors found me contemplating a wee bit of ‘cheating’ on the diet; ended up bargaining with myself and got one of the ‘over-advertised’ McDonald’s Mochas: I opted for the hot version…it was, in my opinion: OK…didn’t really taste like coffee, sort of had a coffee-like flavor, but not much of that, either. For $3. something for a medium, it’s not something I’m going to buy again-I’ll stick with Tim Horton’s regular coffee…much more flavorful and worth the cost. Drove home and made a small turkey & cheese sandwich on one slice of dark rye bread with lettuce, spicy mustard and a little Miracle whip…YUM! Tasted great and I didn’t really cheat much, either. (guess you’d count the sugar in the Mocha thingie…oh well…..never said I was perfect!)

Nice day out today, but cloudy and a wee-bit chilly (68 degrees F.) but it’s not raining, snowing, hailing, sleeting, etc. so I’m good with cloudy and a little chilly-probably would be a little less chilly if I’d just get up and go put on long pants instead of trying to fool myself that it’s already summer in my shorts! Forever the optimist!

Hope you’re enjoying this Friday and are looking forward to a great weekend!



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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. That is great news on your check up. You got to be livin’ right my girl! Also afghan # 176 that is an achievement to be proud of. But I know you are going to keep going ’cause that’s the kinda gal you are. Have a wonderful weekend and rest a little.

  2. Where are new photos at the Ghana site?

    Congratulations for all that sewing! I am crocheting squares like crazy for son’s aphgan, but not thrilled at all about arranging and whipstitch. 🙂

    • The latest afghan photos are on the Ghana Site under the heading: “Afghan Photos”. I know quite a few knitters who cringe when I mention the amount of completed afghans; not because of all the knitting/crochet but simply because they hate to sew squares together! I find it relaxing, actually; like anything else, you sort of ‘find your groove’ and get into that Zen moment where you’re working and not even thinking about the effort, I usually end up daydreaming!

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