
computer-lady.jpgIt’s been about a week since I posted last; what are my reasons for being late, you ask? Best answer I can give you is: “Life just gets crazy sometimes!” I’ve been trying to de-stress a little after the frantic knitting frenzy of getting the afghans off to Ghana; last week I knit a pair of fuzzy fingerless gloves for my middle son’s girlfriend’s Christmas present (wanted to get them done) and am pleased they came out very cute (if I don’t say so myself!) Will try to get a photo on here soon. Yesterday I found a really cute pattern for a knitted ear warmer and am considering knitting one of those along with another pair of fingerless gloves for my grandson’s mom (since they’re not married and no longer together, what do I call her? not exactly my daughter-in-law…)

Yesterday and today find me trying to finish up printing and sending out my special needs group’s newsletter (I’m the editor) as it needs to be sent out before November (which is just 2 days away!). Wouldn’t be a difficult task except that we mail out about 65 of them, each hand folded, hand addressed, stamped, return addressed, etc. by me. I’ve got about 25 more to get done with this morning, then it’s a trip to the post office to buy stamps and get those babies in the mail!

Speaking of babies, am currently awaiting the arrival of my 1 yr old grandson. Oldest son has had a bit of a job shift and is now acting Executive Chef at his restaurant, which is a good thing for him BUT last week he worked 80 hours and meant a bit more babysitting for me, as well. Don’t get me wrong-I love my grandson, but this “Grammie” isn’t getting any younger! When I mentioned the trip to the post office-that includes taking my ‘baby’ along, too!

Yesterday was one of those really crazy days that comes out OK in the end, but while you’re going through it, is very hectic/crazy, etc. It was supposed to be my ‘off’ day for babysitting but since oldest son had worked so very many hours last week and was sounding like he was going through major over-stress, I volunteered to watch my ‘baby’ so that oldest son could get some much needed general chores (bill paying, going to the bank, cleaning up the house, laundry, chopping a huge bunch of wood, etc.) done. I ended up having the baby from around 11:15 a.m. to around 9:30 last night. In the middle of this oldest son helped me to go pick up a very nice (slightly used) Lazy Boy recliner from a Freecycle person! (told you it was a crazy day/night!) This was a last-minute decision which required my husband and youngest son to somehow manage to remove ‘old’ recliner from back bedroom, vacuum floor, remove (actually re-position, temporarily) my 10+ garbage bags full of yarn to another location so that new recliner could be brought in the front door (which ended up coming in back door, you can guess didn’t make husband too happy after all the work of making the front door fully accessible!) . We are now the owners of a very nice Lazy Boy recliner and I’m happy! In the process there were the added benefits of having the floor vacuumed up under old chair and the many bags of yarn rearranged, so again, I’m happy! Tonight is my knitting group’s third meeting, so that makes me excited/happy, too!

Although it wasn’t a ‘regular’ day around here yesterday, all-in-all, it was a very productive day for all involved! Now to get back to finishing those newsletters!



Published in: on October 30, 2007 at 10:11 am  Comments (1)  

What 27 Afghans Look Like:

27 completed afghans

Just thought you might like a peak before we send them off to Ghana! (There might be a few more small completed lap robes from my friend Sharon Mick’s granddaughter Jennifer Willison…I’ll find out tomorrow at church).


One very tired, but pleased, Pammie

Published in: on October 20, 2007 at 12:20 pm  Comments (1)  

Just had to add…

a photo of my newly-formed knitting & crochet group: Waterford Area Knitters & Crocheters (click on photo to enlarge)

Knitting group Oct, 2007

(from left: Pam R., Michelle, Myra, me, Kathie, & Dawn)

We had a good time at our second meeting-lots of chatting, some eating AND knitting (some crochet in there, also). Am still plugging away at afghan #27 (which will be my last efforts before delivery on Tues….right wrist is ace-bandaged, kinda achy, so I’m just trying to brace it a little…..”Tuesday is coming, little wrist; hold in there!”) Just figured out on the calendar that on delivery day I will be able to have middle son’s ‘carrying help’-27 afghans weigh a considerable amount…will be VERY glad for the assist! (I’m going to try to have youngest son aid me in a quick photo-shoot this afternoon, using all of the afghans piled onto our picnic table, just so people can get an idea of the immenseness of their efforts…they are truly a ‘sight to behold’! Right now I have a mountain of afghans piled on my piano bench.)

Gotta run, more ‘stitchin’ together of squares needs to be done!



(yep, that’s me!)knitting chicken

Published in: on October 20, 2007 at 11:27 am  Comments (1)  

Getting “down to the wire”…

Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days, it’s been rather hectic around here – you see, the Ghana Project ‘wrap-up’ is coming very soon. Next Tuesday I am scheduled to present all of the completed afghans to my friend, Bettye Wright (the Head Nurse/Board Member of FOCOS, the group going to Ghana). I just finished sewing afghan #25 together; still have the crocheted border to put on so that one will be done. I have been feeling like it’s Christmas for me this past week – several packages and hand-delivered squares have been received. Let’s see, just adding up the ones from the past five days: a box from “Ren” containing 24 squares, a box from “Barbara” containing 46 squares and a hand-delivered bag from “Sharon A.” containing 19 squares…grand total: 89 squares! I can’t begin to tell you how much ALL of the donations of squares (and some completed afghans) has touched my heart…words fail me. All of the wonderful people who have contributed will truly be blessed for their generosity to this project. It is amazing to me how many people have sent squares – people I don’t know and will probably never meet face-to-face, in my lifetime…BUT the LORD knows all of you and your hearts and HE will bless you; of that I am certain.

I had the privilege this past Tuesday to present The Ghana Project to Mercy Bellbrook Retirement Community. After giving my ‘talk’, several of the senior citizens stated that they would like to take part in making squares; that was another blessing! My friend, Janet, who is the Activities Director for the community said that, in the next few months, she wants to have me return to present it again to the seniors who live in the apartments, and…(if all goes well) receive the completed squares from those who have knit or crocheted them. Life’s blessings just keep going on and on…and I am continually overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the gifts.

The Ghana Team will be leaving Nov. 4-18th; volunteer surgeons from Norway, Spain, India, Canary Islands, Italy and the USA will be going on this trip, along with volunteers from Michigan, New York, Virginia, and Norway. It’s wonderful to know that all of our completed afghans will be going along to bless hurting children who need a little something ‘homemade’ to comfort them. Once again, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Gotta run now-many more ‘squares’ to get sewn together between now and next Tuesday. (I’m hoping to present 26-27 afghans by then!)



A Little of “This n’ That”…

knitting-mouse.jpg(Couldn’t resist-he’s just too cute!)

It’s been one of those really rushed week-ends; Friday we had an unexpected visit from an old friend & her husband. It’s been a good 24+ years since I’ve seen her, so it was a great visit plus she brought me a bag of great yarn! Saturday I drove middle son & his girlfriend to a wedding 1 hour away only to find out that son accidentally got the wrong directions (he got the ‘reception’ directions) and we were at the reception hall at 1:52 p.m. thinking wedding would start at 2. It did-in another CITY! The reception started at 5:30 p.m.! We were too late to make the wedding (plus I didn’t have a clue how to get to this other city) and waaaay too early for the reception, so we drove back home. A few hours later same son & girlfriend were to attend her high school’s homecoming dance, so it was ‘play Mom’ to girlfriend because her new dress needed a little ‘tailoring’-I didn’t mind. They both looked great (see photo below-click on photo to enlarge):


After they left for the dance I was finally able to relax a little and begin to look over the yarn bag I’d been given the day before. It’s getting down to the wire on the afghans going out to Ghana; Tuesday I am to do a presentation on my project at a nursing home and I’m trying to schedule the ‘hand-over’ date for the afghans (from me to the head nurse who’s going to Ghana); am hoping to be able to do that October 23rd-that gives me approx. 2 weeks to finish up any unfinished squares and sew together what’s left into afghans. We now have 23 finished afghans and enough squares for 2 more (plus I’ve been told by several friends that there are quite a few more squares ‘on their way’ to me, soon!). I’m just so thrilled that this project has finally found it’s ‘wings’ and is growing.

Today after church I’ve been trying to update my other blog (for the project and added a few new stitches and photos under “Stitches” and 2 new “Contributors” entries & photos. I’m so very grateful to all those people who have sent me squares that I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I’d overlooked anything they donated to the project…I’m really trying to keep up on the logging the donations and their accompanying photo. On looking over all the Stitch patterns I’ve entered on that blog, there’s a good 12 more that I have to knit ‘samples’ of so that I can enter the photo with the pattern! I think it’s so much nicer to have a photo to look at when you’re trying to decide on what pattern to knit…just my personal preference!

Other than all of the above, it’s been sort of ‘the same’ around here-next week is ‘the same’: Babysitting 4 days, Tues. Ghana presentation then new knit group in the evening, Weds. special-needs group, (I actually think Thurs. is free…but I’m not saying that out loud yet!…no, wait…think I babysit), Friday is babysitting, Saturday we have a special fund raising event to go to then Sunday is church again! (Wow, I’m pooped already just looking at what’s coming!)

Can’t complain-the weather is ‘typical Michigan Fall’: today it was 46 degrees and chilly in the morning, warming up to in the mid-50’s by afternoon, some sun. It’s MICHIGAN! We’re known for having constantly changing weather (old saying here: “If you don’t like the weather in Michigan, wait 10 minutes…it’ll change!”)

Hope you had a great day!



Tying Up Loose Ends…

100_0805.jpg(latest completed afghan-click on to make larger)


Been busy these past three days trying to ‘catch-up’ with all the afghan squares/afghans, after receiving a call that the next date for the trip to Ghana has been moved up to October 25th!  That’s about a good 3 weeks earlier than I’d expected, so now my sewing needle is flying as I attempt to put together as many of these donated squares as possible. Actually, I lost count on how many completed afghans there are…I ‘believe’ it’s up to 22, but not exactly sure and don’t want to take the time to go count them again! I finished sewing another one together last night and will do the crocheted border today. There is no set number I’m trying to attain, just want to make sure that I include as many of the donated squares as possible for this trip. I’ve received word, also, that there is another box of 50 squares coming, and “Momma” has graciously notified me that she’s (once again) taken up her crochet hook (or, if memory serves me right) she’s now knitting more squares……..GOD LOVE HER! She’s kind of my ‘patron saint’ of this project (hehehe), having donated the largest amount of squares (actual total count from her-I don’t have a clue…let’s just say it’s an amazing amount! If you really want to count, go to the Ghana site blog and view the Contributors photos).

The weather has been unseasonably warm and wonderful, getting into the 80’s each day and the 50’s at night…great weather! Leaves are now starting to dot the driveway, squirrels are skittering about gathering the black walnuts that pepper our backyard, and I’m getting urges to start making beef stew and chili-a sure sign that fall/winter/cold weather are about to start! According to weather reports this wonderful ‘summer’ weather is supposed to last until tomorrow (Tues.) but then, I never count on weather reports; I’d rather just look out the window at the thermometer or just plain GO OUTSIDE to tell (sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised!)

Ah, yes…the call of the unfinished is starting to become a loud din in my ears again…time to ‘finish the afghans’ (sort of like the Dunkin Donut commercial: “Time to Make the Donuts!”); until next post (sorry this one’s short-or maybe that’s a ‘good’ thing! hehehe)



Published in: on October 8, 2007 at 8:05 am  Comments (1)  

Well, we did it!


Just wanted to say the very first meeting of the “Waterford Area Knitters (& Crocheters)” transpired last evening…and it was great! Four lovely ladies joined me at Panera Bread and did what most women do when in a group – chatted, ate, and drank coffee (and knitted)! I thoroughly enjoyed myself which was the primary reason for my starting this group, as well as meeting new people and learning more about knitting. We have agreed to do this again in two weeks, so I’m excited! The manager of Panera was very cordial to all of us, which helped to make us all feel very welcome.

Final report: All-in-all, a VERY NICE TIME!

(I’m learning that sometimes ‘stepping out’ and being brave is a good thing!)



Published in: on October 3, 2007 at 8:27 am  Comments (1)  

April Fools…In OCTOBER?

Me & My Baby!You know how some days are better than others? Today was one of the ‘others’ days. It started out with babysitting my 1 yr old grandson and his starting to cry. I should clarify this: he is NOT a crier by nature, but this day he began weeping, uncontrollably…for a long period of time. Make that ‘over 1 1/2 hours’ of long period. I tried everything in my little bag of ‘grandma’ tricks going all the way back to 3+ years of running my own infant/toddler daycare, 14 years of fostering infants and toddlers plus raising our three boys…NOTHING worked! To say that I was desperate would be an understatement. My best guess was gas pains because he kept drawing his legs up to his stomach. Finally I got his Dad on the phone and he, too, had no idea but suggested I try giving him a Tums tablet. It was worth a try, I said; I proceeded to break it into very tiny pieces to get him to take it. Still not sure exactly what it was or what eventually worked, but he finally stopped crying! Poor baby – he was exhausted and lapsed into a deep nap and only woke when his Mom came to pick him up about an hour later. Grandma and baby are very tired after all that.

Jump forward about 2 hours to husband calling to tell me that he drove through a puddle while coming home (it’s rained here all day) and the Serpentine belt on his engine came off – AGAIN!. That resulted in him waiting 2 hours for AAA to come tow his car to Midas to have them fix it in the morning (and, I’m sure, hearing from my husband that they should have fixed it properly the FIRST time they fixed it about a month ago!) He called home to ask me to meet him at Midas for a ride home and as I pulled into the parking lot (by now it’s almost 7 p.m. and still pouring rain) I see the tow truck guy standing on the side of the big tow truck bed and it looks like he’s trying to ‘fish’ the side window of my husband’s van! I ask what’s going on and learn that the tow truck guy somehow locked the keys INSIDE our van! GREAT! Another trip home to grab the extra key (only 5 minutes round-trip) and we were ‘good to go’. Should I add here that my husband was VERY glad to hear that we had nice, hot homemade enchiladas at home for dinner? We are ALL very glad to finally be home, safe & sound. WHAT A DAY! (Now, tomorrow I’ll have to get up extra early to drive my husband to work, then drop youngest son at school before ‘starting’ my day…oh well – Life has it’s little ‘bumps’!) I can see it’s going to be an ‘early to bed’ night for all of us!



Published in: on October 1, 2007 at 7:08 pm  Leave a Comment